With MP3-tag you can view and edit your audio files' tag regardless of its format. The program enables you to add information such as title, artist, album, genre, composer, year, as well as comments on each of your favorite songs. The application also provides you with the function of editing multiple files at once, but you will have to use the same information for each of them.
A positive thing about this software, is that it lets you add and edit lyrics to your audio files' properties. Plus, it also lets you add pictures to your songs.
There is a feature that will let you download tags for your songs from the Internet.
MP3-tag has a friendly interface that lets you browse your audio files throughout your computer and select which ones you want to edit. You can listen to your files using Winamp from the tools menu on the program's main window, so that you can edit or create your file's lyrics.
The application comes with a lot of advanced options. It can help you save a lot of your time by editing many songs together.
The program is not free, but you can try it for a period of 30 days. While using the non registered version, every time you launch the application, you will see a reminder asking you to buy the software. Once the period expires, you'll have to decide whether you want to buy it or not.